Friday, February 17, 2012

The Beguiling

       In the dictionary, beguiling means ; charming or fascinating, using slyness to delude someone.
       Here we see four important words left off this list. These are
       Seemingly dumb,
       Hair color blond.
To this I say 'using slyness to delude. The seemingly dumb blond is exceptional at this.
      She works 'charming and fascinating' coyly.  Saying only what needs saying. She is confident in her sexuality. Wide eyed, curiosity, feigned precisely.
     While spiritual can mean wonderful, ethereal, earthy, achingly intuitive... Spirituality can be; devious, crafty and sly.
     Spirit working a delusion which is herself; alluring
                                                                   tempting. wanting to suck someone in. Oh yes! As well as entice or Flim Flam.
Dishonorable and dishonest.
She attracts attention with her 'killer looks', and bewitching body.
And bewitch, hex, put horns on it, vamp, voodoo-------------

tickle to death.      LOLLLLOL

by the way, I am blond.

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