Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Meeting J

He stood against the white washboard canteen smoking the stub of a cigar.
My breath was taken. where? away, far away. I saw nothing but him.
Sissy was interested to, and I could tell she wanted to meet him as well.
He walked Sissy and I to our umbrella where we had laid our blankets out.
We, all three talked. The chemistry between J and myself  took an unmistakable turn up on the heat. I wanted him. There, anywhere. My heart pumped, and felt as though it would smash my chest. It crushed, and exploded. I was instantly and totally in love.  The heat was unbearable. Not the sun, though the florida sun flashed like fired, it was the heat between he and I.
He asked me for my phone number and it ended up in his hand in half a second.
J called me that day when i came home from the beach. He asked me out, I said yes, and he said, "thank you", he actually said thank you.. yes, he thanked me for saying yes to him. He, thanked me.
I almost cried.

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