Friday, February 10, 2012

I Cut My Hair

So, I cut my hair. Short, short. and i dyed it platinum blond. I bought big ,large, humongous earrings, and went with Sissy to the nude beach, where she and her boyfriend (the naturalist) played.
It wasn't the same for Sissy, after losing her husband, and then taking up with, the naturalist,who when we came home from England that year, to find that her boyfriend had been arrested for having pornographic pictures that were downloaded from her computer. She had a fit. Such a fit, she lay on the floor in a fetus position crying.
So, we went to the beach. At first it was hard to take of my cloths. So I did it coyly. Taking off one piece of clothing at a time.
The more times we went there, the more cloths came off. Now I Kate, had a terrible body image, even though my body was smashing. I still had body image issues. I never wanted Sissy to look at anything I had, in order not to raise her ire.
Soon Sissy cut her hair, and dyed it blond. At this point she went out and bought large, hoopy, tremendous earrings. It was odd living with someone who looked just like me, sort of.
I missed mom tremendously, but things I had found out, things she had said about me, made me change my mind about my mother. It was terribly hard to find this out, after she was gone. I had no way to speak to her. To find out why. Why had she told me one thing, and said another behind my back. Utterly frustrating.
Beyond this, Sissy and I had found mom's personal papers, where there was no mention of Sissy at all. As though she didn't exist.  It was creepy to say the least.
The more we went to that beach ,the better my body image, until i was wearing sun dresses with nothing underneath.
One day, as the Florida sun blasted both of us, I proceeded to get us both a canned drink at the canteen. And there, there, was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I didn't see his body, though it was there for all to see, I saw nothing but his beautiful hazel eyes.
Love at first sight, even though he two other girl friends, who at that time, I knew nothing about.
He called me, and we started dating. I was in a dream. I never wanted it to end. It continues to this day... now he is married.. and still it continues... but that is another story.
There came a day, in mid summer, and this was the summer of the unending hurricanes.
We live in a veritable cave. Not able to take down our hurricane shutters was the most depressing life. It was dark and dreary, and frightening.
Sissy who was afraid of thunderstorms, held my head in her lap, talking me through the shingles flying off the roof. The tree that fell, and it was I ,this time who was a scared child. At last Sissy, sort of, loved me, I think. Though it wasn't a show. Each time the storm passed, she became the same old Sissy, to my dismay.

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