Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sissy and Kate

Sissy's face was changing. The blond hair she tried made her look tired and old. When she first colored her hair it looked relatively good. But then, I don't know, something happened to her. She wasn't herself. Actually, she was me.
In her house, and she made a beautiful home, we went into her closet. She told me to look and see if there weren't some clothing i liked. I had gone 'shopping' at a friends closet, so i didn't need anything. She seemed to be pleading for me to take something, anything. So I found a short little sweater, and wore it almost constantly, for her.
I found her on the couch, she was crying.
"Sissy, what is wrong with you?" Things weren't that bad, well, one of her boyfriends had asked me out, i said yes, only because i wanted to drink a beer. Yes, I was that bad.
She stood suddenly and caressed my hands in hers.
"Don't you see Kate?"

"What, what is it?"
"Look at me," she said to me.
"I am. Sissy..."
"My hair, my jewelry, I am not me. I am you. I want to be you." She broke down and lay her head on my shoulder. "I have always envied you. Mom and dad, they always loved you. I was pushed to the side. When you were born, they didn't want to know I even existed. I went through mom's things, you know the papers in her lock box? There was a lock of dad's hair, and a lock of yours. Not mine. Kate, she didn't even have my birth certificate. It is as though I never existed. Help me Kate. I am no one. Who am I, who am I?"

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