Friday, February 10, 2012

Contraception OUT-Rage

We are the United States. We are women. We have the right to say 'yes', or 'no.
It is about time that women are at the fore front in the health care issue. We have waited since Roe vs Wade, in the 1970's for this gigantic step taken by the Obama administration.
Any woman, because of religious belief, may opt out, you don't have to take birth control. No one is forcing your mouth open, and nothing is forced down your throats. But for those who need, and or want birth control this is a fabulous force of women on the move.
I say HALLELUJAH for Barak Obama.  And I am sure that I am not the only woman to say this.  The fact that I do not Take or need birth control is up to me. But for other women I say, congratulations to you all, and many more.

Now the work must start keeping abortion safe and legal for all women.  AND they must not need their husbands OK.  For a husband, or a boyfriend is not his woman's keeper.

Men, all men, should and must stay out of our uterus'. This organ belongs to us... Woman!

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