Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Naturalist Life

Sissy had taken me into a world that I had been into many years before.
I liked it, and yet,I didn't.
I saw young girls who were just budding breasts.A pair of twins. Not their breasts,two young girls.
We,Sissy, and her boyfriend,just a taste of someone else while she was married, went to a nude beach in Florida often.
Then a day came along when we went to a nudist resort.
We parked, and there on the other side of the fence was man walking along with all of his glory swinging in the breeze.
This was one of the oddest things to me.
Now, believe me, I never said I was a babe in the woods. Far from it. But the man walking inside the fence made me feel so absolutely weird. I thought ,why in the world would we drive here with our cloths on, only to take them off once inside this fancy resort.
I sat at the bar, on a bar stool which must have had hundreds of vaginae and penis' on it at one time or another.
Breasts and Penis' whooshed and swayed in the breezes.
I ordered a Long Iced tea, and for goodness sakes, it wasnt hard to not see what at that moment, and all of a sudden, I didn't want to see anymore.
Beautiful pools, three, sparkled and danced in the sun. There was laughter, silent sexual moments,overt sexuality.
I wore , yes, I wore, my most fabulous dress to dinner. This resturant had five stars. I couldn't see myself sitting in a gorgeous resturaunt without any clothing. This almost seemed, no, not almost, it DID seem laughable and rediculous. Thank Gooooooodness, all others were wearing clothing..
I loved this dress, and the moment I got away to see J, I wore that dress. It had a low bodice and a flowing skirt, cabbage roses, red, pink and low beautiful greens.
Waiting for J to come pick me up, it was this dress I wore, with chrystal peep toed heels.
I was breathless as I entered his small bmw. I looked at him, he watched me and his eyes had a love shine.
It rained that day, and for the first time, I was able to weild my too faboo umbrella.
We were on our way, and I treasured every second we were together.
Finally, we reached his condo.

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