Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sissy snd Kate

Sissy and Kate are sisters, Sissy dislikes Kate because she is jealous. Kate love Sissy because she is her sister.
Interview with the girls. We start with Sissy.. She is older.

So, Sissy, what are you after? : After?  What do you mean?
Do you love your sister, and if not why do you suppose that is: hmm mm, well, my sister was born, and i was horrified. She was just another thing which was going to take my mothers attention away from me. first it was my dad, he came home from the war when i was two, i believe.  Then just a few years later my sister was born. I just couldn't take it.  It was the end of the line.  I didn't want a father, and I surely didn't want a sister of all things.  Maybe a brother, but not a sister.
Did you have any idea how your sister felt : well, uh, she wasn't born yet.
Do you know how she feels about you now? Not really,I wouldn't blame her if she hated me.
Katie, how do you feel about your sister? I used to hate her. she was a bitch, she hopefully knows that, but then my sister wasn't grounded in reality. Now, i love her, and as i have always wanted a sister, i will take what ever I can get?
Do you realize she is still jealous of you? No, but what can i do about that? nothing, so...
What , be honest, did you both think of your mother?  Both start laughing 
Sissy: I think she was two faced.
Kate: I thought we were close, but some of the things i found out after her death, well, i feel she was two faced as well.
How did you both feel about you father?
Sissy, I loved him more than life.
Kate, Ditto and more, he was a brilliant man, and he taught me most of what I know, especially history, astronomy.Art.  He is my hero.

This will be continued...  right after we take a break, and we eat.


  1. Hi Debra,
    Well you have quite an interesting blog, that's for sure--quirky, sharp and interesting. Glad I stopped by to read some of it. Good luck with it and keep that bold style you have!
