Monday, March 26, 2012

The J date-ONE

There it came. The knock on the door. I knew it would be him. I smelled the roses, then blew out the candle. I looked over at mom standing in the kitchen,peeking out the corner window. She gave me the thumbs up sign. I walked to the door,as my breath came faster and faster,and my heart reached the door seconds before I did, I ran back to the mirror in the hallway and checked myself. I had a compulsion to run back again as soon as I pulled myself away from the mirror. Here I go.
There I stood, staring at the door. He knocked again.
"Goldie, answer the door before he walks away."
"Right." I answered deadpan. I didn't know how I should pose as I opened the door. I became rediculously nervous, as though this were my first date.
I opened the door, as once again he took my breath away. I actually lost it.
Yes, he still was handsome, so I remembered it the way I remembered it.
He was that handsome. I became instantly excited. Hoping I wouldn't act as a complete jerk would, I took his hand biding for him to come in. I saw my mother's face. Her eyes shined, she glowed! Did he affect every woman this way? No. I had no way of knowing that J looked very much like my father when they were married. I had seen pictures, I just didn't see it. Ah well. He hooked her very well. I felt myself falling in love. My stomach hurt, I was tongue tied.
"Hey," I said, not taking my eyes off of his.
"Hey," amused.
I wondered if he knew the reaction women had when they looked his way. I wondered if he knew my heart readied itself for the jump of a lifetime. Across the street palms swayed, i could hear the breeze. It breathed it's way through the doorway, caught my hair and for that instant I was bummed I wore my hair short. What a stupid thing to think.
I asked him in, he spoke with mom, and soon enough he whisked me down the elevator and in to his little blue sports car. Top up. Clean. Two packs of Marlboro cigarettes sat on the console. Black leather interior plus his cologne intoxicated me just as though I had had a cocktail. The smell was delicious. I drank it I breathed it, I loved it.
The drive ,lovely,as I found we had crossed one of the old cement bridges over the inter coastal. The sun,an orange and blue globe,settleling in the ocean,,echoed into the clouds coloring them creamsicle orange. The colors in my head were orange,blue and white. White light fogged my head.
"What?," I asked.
"Are you hungry?, It is good to see you again."
"And with cloths," we laughed. It was odd.
We whooshed into the dark restaurant, candle glow shimmered from each table. Crystal glasses clinked against fine china.Musical. Though quiet, I heard the hushed voices,forced laughter. Someone else nervous out there?
We sat, I floated.
I had white wine, and a martini to start of course. Ate the olives, sucking the pimento from them. It was awkward eating the salmon I had ordered. Good, however it was hard to chew, so nervous was I, I laughed out loud,almost spiting the wine across the table.
I drank enough to loosen up nicely, I thought our conversation very interesting. If you asked, I never could tell anyone what I had said, or not said. I know the entire conversation was a bobbing and weaving of sexual overtones and we both knew we couldn't wait to have each other in bed. 
Savouring the moment for a few, we left.
It had rained,but that never cooled down a Florida night in summer, nor any other time of year. Lights from businesses and cars flashed on the black streets. Buildings were tall. Banks or condos lined either side of the slick streets. Not even one block later we were walking from the garage park into an air cooled building. The elevator quickly zoomed us to the top floor.
As we entered the hallway, I looked back at him. He kissed me. lightly, gently, and I longed for more. The heat floated up between us. I didn't feel the air conditioned hall, nor did I see the walls on either side of us.
I know I breathed a sigh of relief as he stopped at a door, inserting the key, and pushing the door open.
I had no idea he would have a wonderful apartment on the ocean. No idea his car would be fantastically expensive. I had no idea, nor did I care. When we met we wore nothing. All that I knew was he was the most handsome man I had ever seen. And he exuded a gentleness. Sweet and sexy. a far and away perfume.
He pushed me toward a wall, then embraced my waist. His hands moved to my shoulders and my neck. Holding my face in his hands he pressed his lips against mine giving me a long and deeply passionate kiss. My hands landed slowly against his neck.
The heat spiked at six hundred degrees. Slowly he unbuttoned each small pearl button at the front of my blouse. Kissing my chest his hands moved to my pants. Unsnapped, unzipped he slipped them down my legs---I froze. Shy, Modest?, what the hell. I met him, I had no cloths on. NOW i feel odd? Really? oh for Pete's sake. I am not believing this..
He caught on to what had happened."We met, we were nude!"
I didn't know whether he would laugh or cry.
"Are you now telling me you-?"
"Yes, please. Could we take this a bit slower?"

It is now ten years later, we still have a burning desire. I saw J on and off for two of those ten. Now we speak on the phone. He makes jokes, I laugh. We have a nice friendship.

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