Sunday, November 11, 2012

while watching t v

i found that i will soon be moving. not new, i've moved many times.
i am moving out of an apartment complex and into a house. i have found that this time, i enjoyed living in a complexe..
the social dynamics of apartment living are important, and is being able to walk the trails and be near the trees as their leaves fall. for myself, being able to speak with people who i see everyday, and yet still aqaintences, is important. interaction is important.
not two minutes walk away is a CVS, where i go to all the time and know the people there, and they know me.  again, important.
in a lonely place with no where to go, i could wrap up like a cacoon and stay there, untlil, until.

there at the complex, i wraped up alarge towel, some soap, and put them in a small beach bag. it was late and no one could be seen. i slinked out of the black tights and t-shirt. barfoot, i coursed though the grassed hill to the front pool. the front pool had three small pools with fountains at one end.

it had been a cool night. i lay my towel on the side of the pool. naked and feeling the nipped breeze i soaped up and dunked myself in the dead cold water..
i gingerly jumped from the pool and grabbed my bath towel. driying myself, course and fast. i slipped back into my black tights and t-shirt and put the towel and soap back into my beach bag. then i walked like a dancer home.

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